2018 Transparency Report
Our 2018 Transparency Report is now live.
In 2018, we launched our Transparency Project, something that’s thrown up lots of interesting conversations, challenges and big wins throughout its inaugural year. Excitingly, we’re the first roaster in Australia to develop and execute a model like this - putting FOB price at the core of our trade and supply chain communications - and this 2018 Transparency Report is our way of sharing our journey so far.
For Joe, Stan and I, it’s always been important that Rumble contributes to the improvement of our industry. We’ve all been in the industry for a long time, and plan on being here for much longer yet! But if producers aren’t paid what they need to benefit their families and communities, the ‘specialty coffee’ industry just isn’t sustainable.
This isn’t about riding in on a white horse and fixing the industry just for the sake of it. The way we see it, running Rumble allows us to provide for our families, so if we encountered a situation in which the people who grow the coffee we supply couldn’t do the same thing, something would definitely be wrong.
To us, transparency means placing real value on the labour of those producing the world’s finest coffees. It also means publishing real data and sharing that with the supply chain.
Transparency isn’t just about the benefits it provides to producers’ livelihoods. We know that the decisions we make regarding the information we share impacts producers’ families, communities and countries, and the future of the coffee industry more broadly.
We believe transparency benefits everyone: from producer to consumer and everyone in between.
As a central pillar of our Transparency Project, we’ll publish our Transparency Report annually with the aims of:
- Offering information regarding the values upon which Rumble is founded
- Educating and informing regarding the importance of transparency in the global market for coffee and associated products
- Highlighting our achievements in the area of transparency
- Using the data presented to gauge both our successes and shortfalls, and to plan for future projects in order to increase transparency across the industry
We’ve kept the information and its presentation in this report light yet informative, with only one simple aim in mind: to share our knowledge in the interest of a better deal for all.
You’ll find information on:
- Our transparency-focussed activity for 2018
- Prices paid for all the coffee we supplied in 2018
- Supporting initiatives: Rumble projects that support our vision for 100% transparency
Overall, we’ve been both surprised and gladdened by the interest the industry’s shown in our Transparency Project’s inaugural year. As with any new venture, we know there’s a huge amount of learning to be done.
We’re hoping that as it gains momentum, other roasters will be encouraged to take part too. Of course, the more people involved, the more collective data we have, and the more change we can all drive. Together, we can be hugely impactful.
I hope that you find this information as interesting and as useful as we did in the process of creating it.
- Matt Hampton, Head Roaster & Green Buyer
Our 2018 Transparency Report is available in full here: